Thursday, September 07, 2006

Where were you?

Like many, I remember precisely where I was. My wife and I were driving toward Indianapolis, across the rolling Indiana countryside. It was a bright Tuesday morning. We had the Christian music station from Champaign/Terra Haute on the radio. They broke in with the news.

A large airplane had struck the World Trade Center. In New York City, billowing smoke could be seen for miles. There was no word as yet whether the crash was an accident, yet I knew immediately that it was not. They went back to music.

New York is a big city: what were the odds of an airplane accidentally hitting the World Trade Center? Roughly zero. There were two towers. "There will be another plane, and it will hit the other tower," I told my wife.

No sooner had I said that than the news came that the South tower had been struck, and also the Pentagon. I pulled over to the side of the Interstate to pray. And now we come to the point of this story.

Before I got to the side of the road, Meredith Foster, then one of the morning voices at WBGL radio interrupted the newscast for a prayer. She asked God to intercede, that "the plans of the enemy be thwarted". It was chilling, moving, and inspiring: we would take the offensive.

After her prayer, and one of our own, I pulled back into traffic. I noticed in the sky perhaps a dozen jets, all converging on Indianapolis. Some were only contrails, others were clearly commercial passenger jets. The thought occurred to me that they were attacking Indianapolis, but the news said the FAA had ordered all planes grounded. All planes: it had never been done before. This was a bold move, one designed to thwart the plans of the enemy.

We heard later of a crash in Pennsylvania.

I don't know if Meredith offered her prayer before the FAA grounded the planes, or before the men of Flight 93 took steps to thwart the plans of the enemy. But I do know that her words set the tone for the rest of the day for me. Thank you, Meredith.

We went on to Indy, for a medical procedure that was made to seem trivial by the events of the day. Afterward, we stopped in to the Cathedral, even though we weren't practicing Catholics at the time. It seemed like the place to be. It was. The mass lacked Meredith's call to action, but it carried a peace and sense of unity that I still feel. We are one in Christ.

As we walked around Indianapolis, there was a subdued tone everywhere. No horns honked, no profanity arose from the drivers of delivery vans. The local newspaper printed a special edition with the banner headline "Terror!". They were giving it away, rather than selling it.

Toward afternoon, we started home. Some gas stations had begun raising prices, some as high as (a shocking) $3.00 per gallon. A lot of rancor was raised in the days following, outrage at the stations for "gouging". But the "gouging" was in response to people instinctively topping off their tanks: who knew what would be next? Were we at war? While some may have engaged in opportunism, it seemed to me that the stations were trying to retain their supply as best they could, with the only tool at their disposal, aside from closing: raising prices.

The strange thing was that though people were lined up at the gas pump in ostensible panic, there was a sense of calm. People were going out of their way to be polite and kind to one another. Each one insisted that the others have access to the pump first, so it hardly mattered who was up next. It just seemed the right way to act on that day.

That sense of calm, of unity, of peace and patriotism lasted long after that day. I still feel it now and then. And it all started with one woman's prayer.

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

We're winning the wrong war

To say that much has been written about the Global War on Terror would be to make something of an understatement. A lot of what has been written -- that we're losing the war, that our prosecution of it is what causes it to continue, and that Iraq is not part of it -- has been balderdash driven by political agendai.

But we miss the mark also in thinking that we are winning, that our prosecution of it vectors us directly toward victory, and that our best place to be is Iraq. It's true that we are slowly winning the Global War on Terror. It's true that winning in Iraq will aid us in winning the GWOT. And it's true that we need to finish the job in Iraq. But none of those things matter.

We shouldn't be fighting terror. We should be fighting against jihad.

John F. Lehman piece in WaPo Friday (h/t Eric at Classical Values) starts:

Are we winning the war? The first question to ask is, what war? The Bush administration continues to muddle a national understanding of the conflict we are in by calling it the "war on terror." This political correctness presumably seeks to avoid hurting the feelings of the Saudis and other Muslims, but it comes at high cost. This not a war against terror any more than World War II was a war against kamikazes.

We are at war with jihadists motivated by a violent ideology based on an extremist interpretation of the Islamic faith. This enemy is decentralized and geographically dispersed around the world. Its organizations range from a fully functioning state such as Iran to small groups of individuals in American cities.

We have been so conditioned to react negatively to singling out any religion that when a religion has as its goal the assimilation and dessication of our civilization, we cannot accept that reality. We think we must be reacting out of some kind of racist or parochial mindset that we haven't yet rooted out of our thinking. It must be our thinking that is wrong. People are like us; they just want the things we want.

But reality has a way of intruding on our desires. On 9/11/2001 we learned that the "isolated" attacks by Muslim groups against US and non-Muslim targets were part of a pattern, a worldwide struggle of one religion against all the others and for political, religious, cultural, and social control of the entire world. Terrorism is merely their current weapon of choice.

We fight terrorism because terrorism happened on 9/11, but what caused the terrorism? Jihad.

Will we defeat our foes by fighting terrorism? No. Terrorism is their weapon of choice because they lack a military machine large enough to defeat us on our terms. Denied terrorism somehow, they would find other methods, such as the use of conventional military, oil-funded propaganda, or state-supported nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction to achieve their goal of worldwide domination. Even if we convince them somehow that terrorism is not going to work, they will find other weapons to continue their "struggle". It's in their book.

Terrorism will always be with us. As long as there are people who hate other people, which is to say, as long as there are people, there will be those who will use violence against civilians to achieve political ends. We can't defeat terrorism even by conquering the whole world, a strategy from which we would recoil.

In order to defeat even Islamic terrorism, we have to defeat the very idea of jihad. I don't know how to do that without wiping out every Muslim, a tactic from which we recoil with even greater horror.

But I do know that pretending jihad isn't a problem won't make it go away.

(Cross-posted at

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