Thursday, December 30, 2010

Reince Priebus -- Foe of Tea Party Movement? #teaparty #tcot #rnc

It seems that Reince Priebus, candidate for National RNC Chairman, wants credit for electoral gains in Wisconsin in 2010. But he may have had little to do with it, and in fact may have been actively working to defeat the Tea Party movement.

More investigation is clearly needed, but now is not the time to have someone at RNC who cannot work with the Tea Parties.

Amplify’d from

As a grassroots network of concerned citizens dedicated to upholding of individual liberty, limited government, and free enterprise within the Republican Party, the Republican Liberty Caucus questions Mr. Priebus’s commitment to core constitutional principles as well as the rule changes that disenfranchised Wisconsin GOP primary voters under his watch.

The Republican Liberty Caucus has been a vocal critic of the 2010 Wisconsin GOP’s rule change, which made it easier to endorse by lowering the percentage of delegate votes that a candidate must receive for endorsement, removing the possibility of voting for “no endorsement”, and give the state executive committee the power to decide which candidates are “viable” and limit the possible choices of the delegates to these approved candidates.  “Giving candidates the official GOP endorsement and large sums of party donor money prior to Wisconsin’s primary disenfranchises Wisconsin’s conservative grassroots voters – including the Tea Party,” said Murphy.  This is exactly what happened while Mr. Priebus was state chair.

“Not only was donor money collected by the Wisconsin GOP directed to defeating other non-establishment Republican candidates without donor consent, but the Wisconsin GOP also paid for polls that excluded these non-establishment GOP primary candidates as ballot options while mentioning front-runner endorsed GOP candidates and their Democrat opponents” (source:


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