Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Next President

  • Must be willing to finish the job in Iraq, and not by quitting
  • Must not gain office promising bread (or bandages) from the public trough
  • Must understand the importance the nation as an institution, guarding against the encroaching power of transnationalism and the United Nations
  • Must understand the importance of the State as an institution, guarding against the encroaching power of nationalism and the Federal government
  • Must understand that the Internet doesn't belong to anybody, even though parts of it do, and must not seek to control it
  • Must be willing to confront the media, or at least present his side of things once in a while
  • Must know that Global Warming is just the latest liberal doomsday fad
  • Must support the right to keep and bear arms
  • Must clean house in the bureaucracy, starting with anyone in an appointed position not of his party
  • Must be willing to enforce our borders

That's not too much to ask, is it?

It is? I was afraid of that.

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Anonymous said...

"Must be willing to confront the media, or at least present his side of things once in a while"

Yeah, like nearly every day!

Otherwise, your list is actually quite short, Loren.

Loren Heal said...

I didn't want to go into the really big issues, like "Must never appear on "Dancing with the Stars".

knighterrant said...

While not accepting all of your list, here are a few of my own.

~Must be willing to preserve, protect, and defend the entire Constitution, not just one-half of one sentence.

~Must understand the importance of the individual and protect individual privacy from encroaching intrusion by government and corporations.

~Must accept Congress and the courts as co-equal branches of government. Must not believe the presidency is preeminent.

~Must not consider taxes as inherently evil. When the government spends money, whether it be for bandages or bombs, the government ought to take in sufficient funds to pay for it.

~Must not be shackled by preconceptions. Must be able and willing to view this changing world with an open and flexible mind.

~Must reject unilateralism and international cowboy vigilantism. With five percent of the world's people and 20% of its economy, the United States cannot pretend that the rest of the world doesn't exist or doesn't matter.

Loren Heal said...

Knight, I've always thought of you as a thoughtful liberal, rather than one of the BDS-infected masses.

Yes, defending the entire Constitution is correct, but it's also about as interesting a stance to take as saying one should always make Tang from water. Everyone agrees.

Yes, I would agree that defense of the individual is important.

I don't think anyone suggests that the Presidency is preeminent, except that each branch is preeminent in its Constitutionally assigned areas.

Taxes are inherently evil. You may say they are necessary, and obviously they are, but they are evil. I would reverse your statement and say that the government should spend no more than it takes in, period.

"Must not be shackled by preconceptions" or "Must not have the courage of his convictions"?

I do not reject unilateralism, and at times I demand it. We may discuss things with our allies and enemies, including through the UN, but we must not be bound by their opinion.

Anonymous said...

"~Must reject unilateralism and international cowboy vigilantism. With five percent of the world's people and 20% of its economy, the United States cannot pretend that the rest of the world doesn't exist or doesn't matter."

Wow. That's such a loaded sentence, that, not only does it "stink," I'm surprised I'm even writing this!

I agree with Loren, Knight. In fact, I have YET to disagree with Loren. Weird.

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