Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Faces of Meth - KDVR
If you've never seen the before and after pictures of meth users, you owe it to yourself to take a look.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
2:55 PM
Monday, February 21, 2011
#wiunion is about more than money. It's about who controls the future: Marxists or Americans. #tcot #p2
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” - Lenin
In Wisconsin, and elsewhere, union bosses are fighting to maintain control over more than just their having a say in wages and benefits. With the SEIU ramping up rallies nationwide, the protests in Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio are the beginning of a much larger battle that America is facing—whether America’s children will be saddled with generational indebtedness and conditioned to serving the collective, or whether they will live a free life.
Read more at www.redstate.comFor a long time, unions have known that grooming good, little collectivists begins at a young age. In Wisconsin, however, unions have even gone so far as to enact their progressive brainwashing into Wisconsin state law, as a few of us union watchers tried to draw attention to more than a year ago.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
8:35 PM
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The #WIUnion ragefest was a fait accompli. And @GovWalker, #tcot, and #teaparty were destined to win. #p2
This linked Redstate member post gives the details.
By backing the governor into a corner, they have left him no choice but to refuse to stay the course. He could not compromise at this point even if he wanted to do so. More accurately, he could, but if he did so, he might as well resign, because he would get nothing of any substance accomplished for the remainder of his term. Giving in on this now would establish the precedent that he can be coerced into giving in on anything at any time. The next time a controversial proposal came about, the protesters would be twice as loud, and the people on the governor’s side would be hesitant to rally around, lest they be left holding the bag again. Presumably, the governor is no fool and knows this, and so will continue to stand firm.
Read more at www.redstate.comThe unions also seem to have expected public opinion to come to their aid without having good reason to do so. The election itself should have been an indication that the public was no longer on the side of the unions. It’s not that the public is anti-union, per se, but they no longer see unions as representing oppressed workers who are fighting The Man. What they see now is a group that is well-paid and well-perked and yet demands more. At a time of nine-to-ten percent unemployment, with many taking jobs they don’t particularly want because they can find nothing better, most of the public has little use for people who already have good jobs protesting and bemoaning their fate.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
10:27 PM
From @jstrevino: Is government 'to secure these liberties' or to pay #WIunion employees? #teaparty #tcot
We find these truths to be self-evident: that all men were created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.
The consensus among the hodgepodge of socialist agitators, Obama For America organizers, and their drones and taggers along is that government exists to take from those who have and give to those who haven't, or more exactly, to those who can claim some membership in a group that at some point in the recent past has not had.
Read TreviƱo.
Who governs Wisconsin?
Our democracy is at stake as these featherbedded public sector unions try to bully Madison's elected officials into submission
The fight for America's future now centres upon Wisconsin. On one side are Governor Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Republican majorities in the legislature, and the majority of Wisconsinites who voted them into office. On the other side are the public sector unions for whom governance is, at bottom, a racket – and their Democratic allies.
For public sector unions, it's a declaration of war.
Read more at www.guardian.co.ukWhat's at stake in Wisconsin is whether American governance will continue to serve the purpose set forth in the declaration of independence – to secure our liberties – or whether government as its own surpassing special interest is an unassailable fact of our time. It is perhaps the single most important political fight in the country now.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
9:04 AM
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Why teach lessons when you can teach corruption? #WIunion #tcot
So it seems the public school teachers in an around Madison, Wisconsin are calling in sick in order to attend protests at the state capital.
Redstate.com's noted RepairManJack lays out some of the problems with this dereliction of duty.
Madison School Board policy states “teachers shall refrain from exploiting the institutional privileges of their professional positions to promote candidates or parties and activities,” which includes protests.
I’ve scanned the Internet manfully for any reports of the resurgent Black Death striking anywhere in the vicinity. None have been filed as of 9:42 CST. I think it’s a case of Swine Flu. The fakers calling in sick to protest the benefits cuts are a bunch of swine.
Read more at www.redstate.com
And just think what it teaches the children. The work agreements of most school districts require the provision of advanced notice before a teacher takes personal leave. They are generally required to produce a sick note or Doctor’s notice if they go on medical leave. Children at schools frequently sign these quaint, old-fashioned things called honor codes. “I will not lie, cheat, or steal; nor will I tolerate those around me who do these things.”
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Posted by
Loren Heal
10:57 PM
Bill Whittle: "We didn't get the example of the Magna Carta from Ecuador."
In this video, Bill Whittle explains why Obama's foreign policy can no longer be explained by incompetence. It must be ideology.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
11:34 AM
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Obama takes tweezers to budget, finds nothing.
And doesn't find anything.
Freezing discretionary spending at the obscene current level is an outragre against fiscal sanity.
If the spending is discretionary, we need not spend it.
And the utter insanity of putting spending on auto-pilot in the first place shows the need for drastic changes in the way Washington conducts business.
Read more at www.redstate.com
Americans must learn to understand Big Numbers!!
A MILLION dollars fits in a briefcase.
A BILLION is 1000 Million. It is 12 Shipping pallets stacked 7 feet high with $100 bills.
A TRILLION is 1000 BILLION!!! Or, a Million MILLION!! Imagine one million briefcases stuffed with a million dollars each! Imagine 12,000 shipping pallets stacked 7 feet high with $100 bills.
Now, when they talk about cutting 100 Million here, or a couple Billion there, when you realize our DEFICIT is 1.5 Trillion and our BUDGET is 3.5 Trillion… those cuts don’t seem so “draconian” do they?
Our DEFICIT is 1.5 Trillion. ALL our discretionary spending, combined, comes to around 1.3 Trillion. If we eliminated it ALL we’d be in the hole 200 Billion!!!
We have NO CHOICE but to cut entitlement spending. It’s Fiscal Armageddon unless we do.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
10:35 AM
Friday, February 11, 2011
I hope #CPAC refocuses on activism, not on political correctness
I didn't go to CPAC this year because I didn't have the time or money for what I saw as a three-day party.
It would have been good to collect all of the business cards, but I couldn't justify the expense (even if tax deductible).
Now if next year they return to their roots, I hope to go. Otherwise, I'm sure someone else will fill the void, and I'll go there.
Streiff at Redstate lays out the detailed case.
The ongoing kerfluffle over the high profile participation of GOProud in CPAC raises an interesting question for any advocacy coalition or movement: just how large do you make your tent before your movement is diluted and distorted to the point of fatal weakness?
Read more at www.redstate.comThe takeaway, in my view, is that broad coalitions only work when the areas of agreement are not offset by areas of opposition or by the odor some of the groups bring. For instance, many of us are in favor of border security and a rigorous enforcement of our immigration laws. That does not mean that we will associate ourselves with any of the “we-hate-brown-people” types which festoon the anti-immigration landscape. Similarly, it would be ludicrous for a conservative group focusing on urban blight to ally itself with Nation of Islam or the New Black Panter Party. In these cases the other things these various groups espouse offset any areas of possible cooperation.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
2:43 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Dear Fred Barnes -- Kyl is retiring, not dead. No need to canonize him yet. #tcot #teaparty
Fred Barnes lauds nonsensically Jon Kyl, who is retiring rather than facing a primary battle he might lose.
But then, Kyl is an insider, and so Barnes loves him.
Jon Kyl’s Retirement: Major Loss for Senate Republicans
For Republicans, losing Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona is a bit like the Chicago Bulls when Michael Jordan retired. Not only is Kyl the MVP among Republican senators, but he also makes the other senators look good and perform better. I can’t think of a member of Congress who will be missed more than Kyl when he retires in 2012.
Read more at www.weeklystandard.comNo senator is indispensible, though Kyl comes close. It’s fortunate for Republicans to have McConnell as number one. Just think if Republicans were stuck with someone like Majority Leader Harry Reid at the top. In that event, losing Kyl would be downright catastrophic.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
12:09 PM
#TX Joe Strauss FTW: Replaces Dem with #teaparty rep as Speaker Pro Tem #tcot @ewerickson @melissatweets
Well, what do you know. So, is Joe Strauss
- Covering his right flank to keep from being Mubarak'ed?
- Keeping his friends close and his enemies closer?
- Actually sharing power because that's who he is?
- Moving to the right himself?
OK, so that last one was kind of stupid.
TEXAS: Speaker Straus replaces moderate Dem with hardline Tea Partyer as Speaker Pro-Tem
With less of a majority in the last legislative session, House Speaker Joe Straus sought consensus and a good working relationship with moderate Democrats. Now, with a supermajority, the Speaker has made a move to the hard-right.
State Rep. Craig Eiland, D-Galveston, two years ago was picked by new Speaker of the House Joe Straus to be speaker pro tempore of the Texas House of Representatives because — in part — of his ability to work across party lines on crucial issues.With a shift in the political climate and an even stronger Republican majority at the state capital, Eiland was replaced by a Harris County Republican.
Straus, in his second term as speaker, picked Rep. Beverly Woolley, R-Harris County, as speaker pro tem. Woolley, a tea party favorite and co-chair of the Tea Party Caucus in the state house, won major points with Straus last year when she announced she backed him in his bid to be re-elected speaker.
See more at www.fontcraft.com
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Posted by
Loren Heal
10:46 AM
If the spending is discretionary, then since we don’t have it we don’t have to spend it -- any of it. #teaparty http://bit.ly/e5xHby
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Posted by
Loren Heal
7:30 AM
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
The Obama recovery plan: business will spread the wealth, or be sued out of existence. #tcot #teaparty #unions
Ever work in an office, shop, or restaurant and there's this one person who is perpetually unhappy? The tiniest perceived slight and they're shaking their fists and stating their case to anyone who will listen.
Mostly they're drama queens, but sometimes they are rabble rousers who would rather organize the down-trodden to achieve social justice than do any actual work. And they're also drama queens.
President Obama wants to give these people a hand at destroying the businesses that hire them.
The result will be fewer people getting hired, but at least they won't have to listen to drama queens complaining about how horrible it is to have to sweep a floor or clean up Aisle 6.
Hate Your Boss? Call the Government
In an unprecedented and controversial move, the White House has launched a new program at the Department of Labor which will refer workers who have complaints about their bosses to a toll free number at the American Bar Association, where they can get a lawyer to work on their case on a contingency fee basis.
But will this create more lawsuits against companies? Will it stymie job creation at the very companies the President says he needs to help lower the high unemployment rate, including small businesses? Will this new program simply make it easier for lawyers to get business they may have garnered anyway?
The White House has also enlisted the ABA to launch a toll-free hotline number at the Department of Housing and Urban Development to help homeowners with foreclosure issues, as well as a separate ABA toll free number to help veterans at the Department of Veterans Affairs, too. An ABA release notes that its new toll-free line at the Labor Dept. will help workers who may be part-time or independent contractors in the agricultural, construction, or hotel industries.
Read more at www.foxbusiness.comAlready, the Department of Labor has more attorneys than any other department besides the Department of Justice, sources note.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
10:40 AM
Monday, February 07, 2011
Via @AceofSpadesHQ, @RandPaulSenate wants to cut $500B. I say that's not enough. #tcot #teaparty
We're $14 trillion in debt. The current spending and revenue levels (you can't call it a budget, since the Democrats failed to pass one) mean adding another $1.5 trillion to that debt this year and every year thereafter, even though we can't borrow enough to pay it.
Already we must bow and scrape before the Chinese. Already our once-stable currency is losing its status as the international unit of exchange.
We are not free.
Rand Paul proposes only adding $1 trillion to that debt. While that's significant progress, it's nothing like enough.
We should instead be aiming actually to begin paying back what we owe. To that end, we should cut $2 trillion from the federal budget.
That's right: we must cut not $30 billion nor $100 billion nor even $500 billion, but $2 trillion to create a surplus of $500 billion per year.
Democrats will scream and shout, they will call us names like "callous" and "mean to the poor". But who is meaner, the one who says "I'd better not" today, or the one who says "I said I could yesterday, but I cannot" tomorrow?
The surplus it should not be treated as a surplus, which scum-sucking politicians could fritter away on pet projects designed to buy votes, but a real expense of the government. We must make repaying our debt an obligation, as we undertake to become debt free.
To do so we will have to cut entire federal departments -- Education, Energy, Transportation, and Labor come to mind. We'll have to scale back our defense of Europe and the Middle East, perhaps. Maybe we can sell a couple of car companies.
The socialists will scream.
We'll need drastic cuts in other areas, as well.
And the socialists will holler.
But thought they holler, it will not be enough.
We must raise the Social Security, Medicare, and federal civil service retirement ages by something like a half year per year.
The Democrats and socialists (but I repeat myself) will demagogue the issue. We're balancing the budget and "sending grandma the bill", they will say.
But these are things that must be done if we are to become a free country.
Rand Paul Pushes "Modest Proposal" of $500 Billion in Cuts In One Year
Update: You Know What's Wildly Popular With the Public? Not Raising the Debt Ceiling
Other Republicans need to begin pushing this, or else the idea is dismissed as "fringe" and one man's fantasy.
It really isn't. It's doable. Even if someone were to object and say it's too much -- well then how about we split the difference and aim for $250 billion?
Read more at minx.cc3
We should be aiming for cutting a Trillion dollars. If the Democrats and Obama can meet us halfway (a compromise), that would be sooo-per dooper.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
1:10 PM
Illinois Review: Durbin's health care numbers are wrong
Posted by
Loren Heal
10:10 AM
Saturday, February 05, 2011
And we'll tell you who to marry, too. female soldiers in headscarves. To avoid hurt feelings. #tcot
From Eric Dondero:
See more at www.fontcraft.com
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Posted by
Loren Heal
3:45 PM
Friday, February 04, 2011
Via @NessaTMR: Patton, WWII, and the #teaparty
If a prayer can win a war, can it not fix our tiny troubles now?
Read more at www.redstate.com
Our situation certainly mirrors Patton's when he asked for the prayer...
Thursday, February 3rd at 6:52PM EST
Msgr. James H. O’Neill, Patton’s Third Army Chaplain, wrote about the prayer in the 50s. Interesting and quite moving.
The incident of the now famous Patton Prayer commenced with a telephone call to the Third Army Chaplain on the morning of December 8, 1944, when the Third Army Headquarters were located in the Caserne Molifor in Nancy, France: “This is General Patton; do you have a good prayer for weather? We must do something about those rains if we are to win the war.” My reply was that I know where to look for such a prayer, that I would locate, and report within the hour. As I hung up the telephone receiver, about eleven in the morning, I looked out on the steadily falling rain, “immoderate” I would call it — the same rain that had plagued Patton’s Army throughout the Moselle and Saar Campaigns from September until now, December 8. The few prayer books at hand contained no formal prayer on weather that might prove acceptable to the Army Commander. Keeping his immediate objective in mind, I typed an original and an improved copy on a 5″ x 3″ filing card:
“Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations.
I pondered the question, What use would General Patton make of the prayer? Surely not for private devotion. If he intended it for circulation to chaplains or others, with Christmas not far removed, it might he proper to type the Army Commander’s Christmas Greetings on the reverse side. This would please the recipient, and anything that pleased the men I knew would please him:
To each officer and soldier in the Third United States Army, I Wish a Merry Christmas. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We march in our might to complete victory. May God’s blessings rest upon each of you on this Christmas Day. G.S. Patton, Jr, Lieutenant General, Commanding, Third United States Army.
After reviewing and approving the prayer and it’s Christmas missive, General Patton and the Chaplain discussed prayer at some length. That discussion resulted in “Training Letter #5″ issued by the Third Army Chaplain to all the Chaplains as well as Regimental Commanders and above in the 26 Divisions comprising Third Army. It was distributed on December 14, 1944.
Chaplains of the Third Army
At this stage of the operations I would call upon the chaplains and the men of the Third United States Army to focus their attention on the importance of prayer.
Our glorious march from the Normandy Beach across France to where we stand, before and beyond the Siegfried Line, with the wreckage of the German Army behind us should convince the most skeptical soldier that God has ridden with our banner. Pestilence and famine have not touched us. We have continued in unity of purpose. We have had no quitters; and our leadership has been masterful. The Third Army has no roster of Retreats. None of Defeats. We have no memory of a lost battle to hand on to our children from this great campaign.
But we are not stopping at the Siegfried Line. Tough days may be ahead of us before we eat our rations in the Chancellery of the Deutsches Reich.
As chaplains it is our business to pray. We preach its importance. We urge its practice. But the time is now to intensify our faith in prayer, not alone with ourselves, but with every believing man, Protestant, Catholic, Jew, or Christian in the ranks of the Third United States Army.
Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight; and if the world goes from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than prayers. ‘Hands lifted up,’ said Bosuet, ’smash more battalions than hands that strike.’ Gideon of Bible fame was least in his father’s house. He came from Israel’s smallest tribe. But he was a mighty man of valor. His strength lay not in his military might, but in his recognition of God’s proper claims upon his life. He reduced his Army from thirty-two thousand to three hundred men lest the people of Israel would think that their valor had saved them. We have no intention to reduce our vast striking force. But we must urge, instruct, and indoctrinate every fighting man to pray as well as fight. In Gideon’s day, and in our own, spiritually alert minorities carry the burdens and bring the victories.
Urge all of your men to pray, not alone in church, but everywhere. Pray when driving. Pray when fighting. Pray alone. Pray with others. Pray by night and pray by day. Pray for the cessation of immoderate rains, for good weather for Battle. Pray for the defeat of our wicked enemy whose banner is injustice and whose good is oppression. Pray for victory. Pray for our Army, and Pray for Peace.
We must march together, all out for God. The soldier who ‘cracks up’ does not need sympathy or comfort as much as he needs strength. We are not trying to make the best of these days. It is our job to make the most of them. Now is not the time to follow God from ‘afar off.’ This Army needs the assurance and the faith that God is with us. With prayer, we cannot fail.
Be assured that this message on prayer has the approval, the encouragement, and the enthusiastic support of the Third United States Army Commander.
The most striking part of this story comes with consideration of the dates. The prayer was written on December 8th, 1944, Training Letter #5 was distro’d on December 14th. The German breakthrough, which came to be known as “The Battle of the Bulge” began on December 16th. By the 21st the Germans had surrounded the 101st Airborne Division in Bastogne. On the 22nd the weather cleared and on the 26th the 4th Armored Division, part of Third Army, opened a corridor into Bastogne. By 7 January 1945, after abandoning most of their equipment, the German Panzer Divisions withdrew and the Battle was over.
For the last two years the Tea Parties have been growing, more and more Americans join the fight to wrest our Nation from the grip of Obama, the now thoroughly socialist Democrat Party and their Union cohorts. These fine Americans do whatever they can to aid the fight, writing, meeting, calling, voting, becoming Republican Precinct Committeemen… How ever they decide to join the fight, lets hope they don’t forget to pray. We need some clear weather.
“Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations.”
“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams
Contributor to The Minority Report
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Posted by
Loren Heal
1:06 PM
Thursday, February 03, 2011
John McCain was so wrong he was right on Iraq, so bashes Rumsfeld for being so right he was wrong.
Neither John McCain nor Donald Rumsfeld called Iraq correctly.
John McCain wanted a larger force sent to Iraq, and to be able to say the United States would quit doing things it never did in the first place, giving our enemies foreign and domestic fuel for their rage. It's not clear to me that he thought anything other than more troops and guns and tanks would be required.
Rumsfeld believed (as far as I can tell) that using technology and providing non-threatening stability would be enough to democratize Iraq.
I don't recall either man put David Petraeus' theory of asymmetric warfare together. Had they done so, there would have been to need for any of us to learn to spell Petraeus.
So for John McCain to bash Rummy now is typical of the attention-whoring style we've come to expect from the fellow who suspended running for President to not say no to TARP.
So for John McCain to claim the mantle of wise sage now, and
McCain Hits Rummy Over Memoir
Former Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld is coming out with a new memoir on February 8. Early reports note he takes some shots at former colleagues, and expresses no regrets for the war in Iraq.
Read more at hotair.com“I respect Secretary Rumsfeld. He and I had a very, very strong difference of opinion about the strategy that he was employing in Iraq which I predicted was doomed to failure,” the Arizona Republican said on “GMA.”
McCain and Rumsfeld had clashed over troop levels.
“And thank God he was relieved of his duties and we put the surge in otherwise we would have had a disastrous defeat in Iraq,” McCain told me.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
12:58 PM
Tinkering to fix a bad design, 2: the stupidity of nibbling around the edges of Obamacare. #hcr #teaparty #tcot
Nibbling around the edges is the surest way for Obamacare to become ingrained in the federal administrative machine. Once the hordes of medical clerks in insurance companies and hospitals become versed in the unconstitutional law's provisions, there will be great inertia to retain it. Better the abominable hydra we know, you might say.
And if you take away the 1099 requirement, soften the mandates, and provide waivers and workarounds, it becomes a pill people can swallow.
If the government were to control every aspect of the medical insurance industry, and mandate that everyone have medical insurance, then the government would control, on a basic level, everyone in the country. Not only is the very thought of that repulsive, but the danger of abuse, by local functionaries and federal power brokers, is real.
Tinkering only adds to uncertainty. If one onerous provision is axed, will the others be? The quest will then be to lobby the government for the best position.
Because apart from personal indignities and the threat of corrupt leverage of medical information and access to health care by those government, the effect on business is at least as bad. Rather than businesses making decisions based on their attempts to please their customers, all business interests would be subordinated to the attempt to ameliorate the effects of a bad health insurance situation. In the alternative, Obamacare amounts to an ever-increasing fee put upon American businesses who elect not to pay their employees via a health insurance plan.
And the tinkering we're seeing the Republicans take part in now is just the start.
Senator Dick Durbin hinted two days ago that the Senate Democrats would be unified in their opposition to repeal Obamacare except for one or two. In other words, the GOP had the opportunity to get Democrats to jump ship.
But Democrats have signaled that they want to “fix” Obamacare, not repeal it. So the GOP gladly obliged. Without any obstruction, the GOP went along with the Democrats’ changes to the onerous 1099 provision.
No Democrat had to vote for repeal because they knew they’d get a chance to say they were “fixing” Obamacare. And the headline will now be that the GOP and Democrats in the Senate are cooperating on a “fix” instead of repeal.
On top of that, however, is the stupidity — sheer stupidity — of certain Republicans now trying to undermine the litigation against Obamacare. I’m looking at you Senators Lindsey Graham and John Barasso.
Read more at www.redstate.comTinkering with Obamacare undermines both the lawsuit against Obamacare and the effort for full repeal. It doesn’t take a genius to know that, but it does take the stupid party to ignore it.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
10:29 AM
Tinkering to fix a bad design: the stupidity of nibbling around the edges of Obamacare. #hcr #teaparty #tcot
Nibbling around the edges is the surest way for Obamacare to become ingrained in the federal administrative machine. Once the hordes of medical clerks in insurance companies and hospitals become versed in the unconstitutional law's provisions,
And if you take away the 1099 requirement, soften the mandates, and provide waivers and workarounds, it becomes a pill people can swallow.
Tinkering only adds to uncertainty. If one onerous provision is axed, will the others be? The quest will then be to lobby the government for the best position.
If the government were to control every aspect of the medical insurance industry, and mandate that everyone have medical insurance, then the government would control, on a basic level, everyone in the country. Not only is the very thought of that repulsive, but the danger of abuse, by local functionaries and federal power brokers, is real.
Apart from personal indignities and the threat of corrupt leverage of medical information and access to health care by those government, the effect on business is at least as bad. Rather than businesses making decisions based on their attempts to please their customers, all business interests would be subordinated to the attempt to ameliorate the effects of a bad health insurance situation. In the alternative, Obamacare amounts to an ever-increasing fee put upon American businesses who elect not to pay their employees via a health insurance plan.
And the tinkering we're seeing the Republicans take part in now is just the start.
Senator Dick Durbin hinted two days ago that the Senate Democrats would be unified in their opposition to repeal Obamacare except for one or two. In other words, the GOP had the opportunity to get Democrats to jump ship.
But Democrats have signaled that they want to “fix” Obamacare, not repeal it. So the GOP gladly obliged. Without any obstruction, the GOP went along with the Democrats’ changes to the onerous 1099 provision.
No Democrat had to vote for repeal because they knew they’d get a chance to say they were “fixing” Obamacare. And the headline will now be that the GOP and Democrats in the Senate are cooperating on a “fix” instead of repeal.
On top of that, however, is the stupidity — sheer stupidity — of certain Republicans now trying to undermine the litigation against Obamacare. I’m looking at you Senators Lindsey Graham and John Barasso.
Read more at www.redstate.comTinkering with Obamacare undermines both the lawsuit against Obamacare and the effort for full repeal. It doesn’t take a genius to know that, but it does take the stupid party to ignore it.
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Posted by
Loren Heal
10:25 AM