Monday, October 25, 2010

HT @KatyinIndy EPA screaming for Republicans to defund them. #teaparty #tcot

HT @KatyinIndy, who said:

EPA head: New carbon controls on big trucks & buses 'win for planet' #tcot #gop #ftrs #hhrs #sgp #tlot

This dogmatic pursuit of carbon emissions runs counter to sound bureaucracy. Good bureaucratic practice looks ahead to secure favor with incoming political leaders in the effort to secure ongoing funding.

Either the EPA is extremely confident on its funding, or the Agency is so preoccupied with advancing the junk science statist agenda that they simply don't care.

Amplify’d from

“This will be a win-win-win,” for reducing oil dependence, mitigating climate change and strengthening energy security, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said on a conference call with reporters.

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson also called it a “win for the planet” in cutting emissions from vehicles that represent the second largest and fastest-growing group in oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector. Overall, the sector represents about 20 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

EPA head: New carbon controls on big trucks and buses 'win for planet'


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